Tuesday, January 4, 2011


One of the best things about www.eventtap.com is the fact that it is free to find and share events that are going on. You can then use some of the additional "share" features to not only automatically post your eventtap events to Facebook, but also share other's events through multiple channels with the share button. This means that no matter if it is your event, something your buddy shared  or even  your favorite Thursday night Bars open mic night, you can share it with so many people with just the click of your mouse!

To make things even better, everyone gets their own eventtap URL. You can change this in the My Account settings,  and it gives you a link right to your own eventtap page, profile picture and everything. Want to know whats going on this week at a specific venue? eventtap.com/(name of the venue) . Want to see your page? www.eventtap.com/myevents . Its a wonderful thing to have a profile page like this and the ability to share it with everyone with an easy link!

Share, share , share. Not only will this  help to deplete the bored population of activity deprived Internet surfers , but also will help get your buddies to the places you like to go.  www.eventtap.com is a wonderful thing people, use it!!